The Publisher in the Library

I have a chapter in The Expert Library: Staffing, Sustaining, and Advancing The Academic Library in The 21st Century, edited by Scott Walter and Karen Williams, recently published by the Association of College and Research Libraries.

“The Publisher in the Library” is a broad overview of how libraries staff publishing services, what duties those staff carry, and the skills, training, and educational backgrounds of those staff.

It’s based on interviews with a dozen librarians and publishing professionals.  I’m very grateful that they were willing to speak with me to help write this, and I learned a lot from them.  I conducted these interviews over two years ago so circumstances and opinions may have changed in the interim.

You can read a pre-print version of the chapter  and/or  you can buy a copy of the book.  I bet you can also check it out from a library.

Feedback welcome.

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